

  • 語言 ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 : 0197577245
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0197577240
  • 格式:原件 PDF/打印副本

原價為:199.95 歐元。目前價格為:13.95 歐元。

Plant Physiology and Development incorporates the latest advances in plant biology, making Plant Physiology the most authoritative and widely used upper-division plant biology textbook. Up to date, comprehensive, and meticulously illustrated, the improved integration of developmental material throughout the text ensures that Plant Physiology and Development provides the best educational foundation possible for the next generation of plant biologists.

Written by Lincoln Taiz (Author), Ian Max Møller (Author), Angus Murphy (Author), Eduardo Zeiger Emeritus Author (Author)

  • 發布者 ‏ : ‎ Sinauer Associates 是牛津大學出版社的印記; 第 7 版(26 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日)
版權所有2024 Medicalebooks.org

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