Robbins 和 Cotran 病理學評論,第 5 版,Edward C. Klatt 和 Vinay Kumar。

電子書格式:原版 PDF / 打印副本
出版商 ‏ : ‎ Elsevier; 第 5 版(15 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日)
Language ‏ : ‎ Englis
ISBN-10 : 0323640222
ISBN-13 : 978-0323640220

原價為:18.60 歐元。目前價格為:11.16 歐元。

Unsurpassed in authoritative, focused content, Robbins & Cotran Review of Pathology, 5th Edition, covers all major topics in general pathology and organ system pathology, effectively preparing you for coursework and examinations. Part of the highly regarded Robbins & Cotran family of texts, this easy-to-use review contains 2,000 multiple-choice questions and answers to help you master the most important principles and facts in pathology. Questions and answers have been written, reviewed, updated, and explained by experts in the field, ensuring that your knowledge is up to date, thorough, and clinically relevant.
Contains 1,500 vignette-style questions in print that reinforce clinical applications and incorporate key patient care and diagnostic strategies (history, physical examination, laboratory testing, and radiologic imaging). Online, 500 additional interactive questions cover more challenging topics and less common conditions.

Uses single-best-answer and extended-matching formats to reflect levels of difficulty that prepare you for examinations. Questions are written in the style of USMLE and MCCQE questions that you will encounter for qualifying examinations.

Covers the fundamentals of gross and microscopic pathology as well as the latest findings in molecular biology and genetics. Answers and detailed explanations for every question are found at the end of each chapter.

Incorporates recent changes in the understanding of the pathophysiology underlying disease processes as well as the approach to workup and diagnosis of disease conditions.

Reflects the breadth of content in the leading Robbins & Cotran textbooks Pathologic Basis of Disease and Basic Pathology, following the chapters for guided review and referencing them for further study.

Helps you visualize key pathologic concepts and conditions with over 300 full-color images.

Provides a final comprehensive exam of over 75 USMLE-style questions covering the range of topics from across the book.

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