1001 Imisebenzi Yokwelapha Yezingane: Imibono Yokudala Yeseshini Yokwelapha Isiqephu Sesithathu

by Ayelet H. Danto MS OTR/L (Author), Michelle Pruzansky MS OTR/L (Author)
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Slack Incorporated; Third edition (December 15, 2022)
Ulimi ‏ : ‎IsiNgisi
I-ISBN-10 ‏ 1630919926
I-ISBN-13 ‏ : 978-1630919924

Intengo yoqobo yayiyi: €69.61.Intengo yamanje: €9.30.

1001 Pediatric Treatment Activities: Creative Ideas for Therapy Sessions is back with the newly updated Third Edition. Created by practicing occupational therapists specializing in pediatrics care who recognized the need for developing exciting activities to keep children engaged in therapy sessions for long periods of time, this book enhances the resources available to therapists. Understanding the needs of practicing professionals, the Third Edition also boasts over 450 images to save busy practitioners time, allowing them to focus on the treatment at hand.

I-copyright 2024 Medicalebooks.org

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