Ukuhlinzwa Okuhle Kohlelo Lokuqala Lwamathambo Obuso (1st ed/1e)

Achieve optimal results and high patient satisfaction with Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Skeleton. Encompassing the entire field of facial skeletal contouring, this one-stop resource uses a problem-based, multidisciplinary approach to skeletal contouring of the face and adjunctive procedures that enhance results. With well-illustrated, focused coverage of all recent advances in this fast-changing area, it’s an ideal reference for trainee and practicing cosmetic surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, craniofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists, and oral surgeons.

  • Takes a multidisciplinary, problem-based approach to aesthetic techniques for the face, highlighted by numerous clinical cases and high-quality photos.
  • Covers every area of the field: general principles, orthognathic surgery, alloplastic implants, genioplasty, malar and mandibular recontouring, autologous fat grafting, orbital rejuvenation, forehead and upper face, and many other related topics.
  • Provides expert guidance on diagnosis, treatment planning, technical aspects, alternative approaches, and treatment of complications.
  •  Features state-of-the-art coverage of aesthetic contouring for the transgender patient as well as the use of 3D imaging in all types of facial surgery.
  • Includes a section on special case considerations such as facial asymmetry, post-traumatic facial restoration, face transplantation, and nonsurgical enhancement of facial shape. 
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices


Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Skeleton First Edition (1st ed/1e) by Stephen B Baker MD FACS (Author), Pravin K Patel MD FACS (Author), Jeffrey Weinzweig MD FACS (Author)

  • Umshicileli ‏ : ‎ Elsevier; 1st edition (April 8, 2021)
  • Ulimi ‏ : ‎ isiZulu
  • I-ISBN-10 ‏ : 0323484107
  • I-ISBN-13 ‏ : 978-0323484107


“The concepts this book presents will optimize the results of aesthetic surgery of the facial soft tissues and skeleton.” © Isevisi Yokubuyekeza ka-Doody, 2021, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, MD (Isibhedlela saseBridgeport)


Ingcweti, isiqondiso esibanzi ekujikeni kwamathambo obuso

Mayelana Nombhali

UDkt. Stephen B. Baker useqedile ukuqeqeshwa ekuhlinzeni ngomlomo nange-maxillofacial, ukuhlinzwa kwepulasitiki, nokuhlinzwa kwe-craniofacial e-University of Pennsylvania/Isibhedlela Sezingane sase-Philadelphia. Usebenza njengoSolwazi kanye noMqondisi Wohlelo loMnyango Wokuhlinza Ngepulasitiki esibhedlela saseGeorgetown University. Ukusetshenziswa komtholampilo kokuxhunyelelwa kwamafutha kuhlanganisa ingxenye enkulu yokusebenza kukaDkt. Baker futhi izincwadi zakhe zokuxhunyelelwa kwamafutha zihlanganisa izihloko kuyo yomibili imiphumela yomtholampilo kanye nocwaningo lwesayensi oluyisisekelo. UDkt. Pravin K. Patel unguSolwazi Wokuhlinza kanye Nomphathi WePediatric Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery e-University of Illinois, Chicago. Unesikhundla se-adjunct academic eMnyangweni Wezobunjiniyela Bezokwelapha eNyuvesi yase-Marquette, e-Milwaukee, kanye naseMnyangweni Wokuhlinza eNyuvesi yaseNorthwestern. UyiChief of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery e-Shriners Hospitals for Children. Useneminyaka engamashumi amabili esebenza ngokugxila emtholampilo ekwelapheni izingane ezinokukhubazeka okubandakanya ugebhezi namathambo obuso (craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery). Njengoba enesizinda sobunjiniyela bukagesi kanye nesayensi yekhompiyutha izithakazelo zakhe zocwaningo zisekuhlelweni kokuhlinzwa okusekelwe kukhompyutha kanye nobunjiniyela bezicubu zamathambo. UDkt Jeff Weinzweig usebenza njengoSolwazi Womtholampilo oPhikweni Lokuhlinza Ngepulasitiki kanye nase-Craniofacial Center eNyuvesi yase-Illinois e-Chicago, kanye noMphathi we-Craniofacial Surgery e-Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Njengomhleli wezincwadi zokufunda ezi-5 kanye nombhali wezindatshana zamajenali nezahluko zezincwadi ezingaphezu kuka-200, uDkt. Weinzweig usezakhele udumo emhlabeni wonke njengomhlanganyeli ophumelelayo kulo mkhakha.
I-copyright 2024

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