Izibalo Ezibalulekile Ze-Bioscientists Uhlelo Lokuqala

Essential Statistics for Bioscientists 1 Edition

ngu-Mohammed Meah (Umbhali
  • Umshicileli ‏ : ‎ Wiley; 1st edition (August 2, 2022)
  • Ulimi ‏ : ‎ isiZulu
  • I-ISBN-10 ‏ : 1119712009
  • I-ISBN-13 ‏ : 978-1119712008


In Essential Statistics For Bioscientists, experienced university and bioscientist Dr Mohammed Meah delivers easy access to statistical analysis and data presentation. It is a great resource for students in the field of life and health sciences to conceptualize, analyze, and present data. This book uses three popular and commonly used statistics softwares—Microsoft Excel, Graphpad Prism, and SPSS—and offers clear, step-by-step instructions for essential data analysis and graphical/tabular display of data.

  • Beginning with fundamental statistics terminology and concepts, including data types, descriptive statistics (central and spread of data), exploratory statistics (graphical display) and inferential statistics (hypothesis testing and correlation), the content gradually builds in complexity, explaining which statistical test is best suited and how to perform it.
    A thorough introduction to basic statistical terms and building up to an advanced level of statistical application- ideal for those new to study of statistics
    Extensive application of three popular software packages- Microsoft Excel, Graphpad Prism and SPSS
    Numerous hands-on examples of performing data analysis using Microsoft Excel, Graphpad Prism, and SPSS
    Considers the limitations and errors of statistical analysis
    Essential reading for those designing and planning a research project in Biosciences
  • Perfect for undergraduate students in the life and health sciences, Essential Statistics For Bioscientists will also earn a place in the libraries of anyone studying medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, and dentistry requiring a refresher or primer on statistical fundamentals.
  • Kusuka Kukhava Engemuva

    Ngena ekuhlolweni kwezibalo ezivame kakhulu namaphakheji esofthiwe asetshenziselwa ukuhlaziya nokuhumusha idatha yesayensi In Izibalo Ezibalulekile Zososayensi Bezinto Eziphilayo, Umfundisi wasenyuvesi onesipiliyoni kanye nesazi sesayensi yezinto eziphilayo uDkt Mohammed Meah uletha ukufinyelela okulula ekuhlaziyweni kwezibalo kanye nokwethulwa kwedatha. Leli bhuku liwumthombo omuhle wabafundi emkhakheni wesayensi yezempilo nezempilo ukuze bacabange, bahlaziye, futhi bethule idatha. Le ncwadi isebenzisa ama-software ezibalo amathathu adumile futhi avame ukusetshenziswa—i-Microsoft Excel, i-Graphpad Prism, ne-SPSS—futhi inikeza imiyalelo ecacile, yesinyathelo nesinyathelo yokuhlaziywa kwedatha ebalulekile kanye nokuboniswa kwedatha okunemifanekiso/yethebula. Ukuqala ngamatemu nemiqondo yezibalo eziyisisekelo, okuhlanganisa izinhlobo zedatha, izibalo ezichazayo (okumaphakathi nokusabalala kwedatha), izibalo zokuhlola (ukuboniswa kwesithombe) kanye nezibalo ezingenangqondo (ukuhlolwa kwe-hypothesis nokuhlotshaniswa), okuqukethwe kancane kancane kwakha ngobunkimbinkimbi, okuchaza ukuthi iyiphi isivivinyo sezibalo. ifaneleka kakhulu ekusebenzeni okunikeziwe nokuthi kwenziwa kanjani.

    • A thorough introduction to basic statistical terms, building up to an advanced level of statistical application— ideal for those new to the study of statistics
    • Extensive application of three popular software packages— Microsoft Excel, Graphpad Prism and SPSS
    • Numerous hands-on examples of performing data analysis using Microsoft Excel, Graphpad Prism, and SPSS
    • Considers the limitations and errors of statistical analysis
    • Essential reading for those designing and planning a research project in Biosciences

    Perfect for undergraduate students in the life and health sciences, Essential Statistics For Bioscientists will also earn a place in the libraries of anyone studying medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, and dentistry requiring a refresher or primer on statistical fundamentals.

    Mayelana Nombhali

    U-Mohammed Meah, PhD, unguMfundisi Omkhulu kanye noMholi Wohlelo lwe-Medical Physiology and Human Biology eNyuvesi yase-East London eLondon, e-UK.
    I-copyright 2024 Medicalebooks.org

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