ベイリーとラブの手術の短い実践 第 28 版

アーカイブ: 手術

Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery 28th Edition by P. Ronan O’Connell (Editor), Andrew W. McCaskie (Editor), Robert D. Sayers (Editor) 出版社: CRCプレス; 第 28 版 (30 年 2023 月 XNUMX 日) 言語: 英語 フォーマット: オリジナル PDF/プリントレプリカ

  • ISBN-10: 0367548119
  • ISBN-13: 978-0367548117

元の価格は €102.30 でした。現在の価格は €9.30 です。

の第28版 ベイリー&ラブの手術の短い練習 PDF is the leading surgical resource for medical students and surgeons in training. It encompasses the basic principles of careful history taking, observation, deductive reasoning, technical knowledge and post-operative patient care to ensure safe surgical practice.


  • 関連性 – the content matches both undergraduate and post-graduate curriculae
  • 読み取り可能 – features summary boxes of core knowledge throughout the text. The consistent layout and style of tables, graphics, and diagrams aids easy understanding of key concepts. Also includes algorithms to assist the reader in understanding patient care pathways
  • Current- highlights where major developments in surgical practice have occurred or are likely to transform surgical practice in the next decade
  • 現代の – includes expanded coverage of paediatric surgery andof transplant surgeryEmphasizes the importance of the multidisciplinary team approach, together with patient engagement in difficult decision making
  • 権威ある – every chapter has been revised by expert authors, and the most up to date content has been included in a familiar format
著作権2024 Medicalebooks.org

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