上級看護職のための間接ケアハンドブック : ベッドサイドを超えて

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上級看護職のための間接ケアハンドブック : ベッドサイドを超えて

by Patti Rager Zuzelo (Author)




フォーマット:オリジナル PDF/プリントレプリカ

元の価格は €58.54 でした。現在の価格は €9.30 です。

Indirect Care Handbook for Advanced Nursing Roles: Beyond the Bedside provides advanced practice nurses, managers, and administrators, with the resources needed to address the challenges of working in today’s complex healthcare system.

This ‘how-to guide’ provides practical tools, coaching, narrative content and strategies to better prepare nurses who are training to assume an advanced practice or administrative role. Indirect Care Handbook for Advanced Nursing Roles:

Beyond the Bedside seeks to address the unique responsibilities of advanced practice roles and bridge the gap between intra-professional colleagues based on feedback from practicing nurses.

In addition, the author seeks to encourage all nurses to recognize their value and power and work together to improve outcomes, reduce harm risk, minimize threats, deal with workplace violence and build professionalism.


  1. • Detailed exemplars help clinicians and students apply content to real-life situations
  2. • Worksheets and tools assist clinicians with planning and implementing processes
著作権2024 Medicalebooks.org

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