Washington & Leaver’s Principles and Practice of Radiotherapy, wydanie piąte (Leavers 5th ed/5e)

Archiwum: Radiologia

Zdobądź znaczące podstawy radioterapii dzięki jedynemu tekstowi napisanemu przez samych radioterapeutów!Dzięki podejściu opartemu na problemach, Washington & Leaver’s: Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy, 5th Edition helps you truly understand cancer management, improve your clinical techniques, and apply complex concepts to treatment planning and delivery. Plus, with its new full-color design and up-to-date content that spans chemotherapy techniques, radiation safety, post-image manipulation techniques, and more; this fifth edition gives you all the tools you need to succeed in both coursework and beyond.

  • Kompleksowe omówienie radioterapii obejmuje jasne wprowadzenie i przegląd oraz pełne informacje na temat fizyki, symulacji i planowania leczenia.
  • Chapter objectives, key terms, outlines and summaries in each chapter help you organize information and ensure you understand what is most important.
  • Pytania na końcu rozdziału questions to ponder provide opportunity for review and greater challenge.
    • Bolded and defined key terms are highlighted at first mention in the text and included in an expanded glossary.
    • Spotlight boxes highlight concepts and offer the most important information as it appears in the chapters.
    • NOWY! Pełnokolorowy projekt poprawia obrazowanie w całej książce, a także zwiększa ogólną naukę.
    • NEW! Updated chemotherapy section includes additional cancer biology terms and principles to provide the essential information needed for clinical success.
    • NEW! Updated coverage of post-image manipulation techniques includes new material on Cone beam utilization, MR imaging, image guided therapy, and kV imaging.
    • NEW! Revised section on radiation safety and misadministration of treatment beams addresses the most up-to-date practice requirements.
    • NEW! The latest ASRT Practice Standards and AHA Patient Care Partnership content ensure you are up to date on the latest best practices in the field overall.


Washington & and Leaver's Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy Fifth Edition (Leavers 5th ed/5e) Charles M. Washington EdD MBA RT(T) FASRT (autor), Dennis T. Leaver MS RT(R)(T) FASRT (autor) ), dr Megan Trad MSRS RT(T) (autor)

  • Wydawca ‏ : ‎ Mosby; Wydanie 5 (17 marca 2020)
  • Język ‏ : ‎ Angielski
  • ISBN-10 : ‎ 0323596959
  • ISBN-13 : ‎ 978-0323596954

Jedyny kompleksowy tekst o radioterapii napisany przez radioterapeutów

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