Медицинский мастер-класс, 3-е издание, книга 2; Научное обоснование медицины 2: из Королевского колледжа врачей (ePub+Converted PDF+azw3)

Medical Masterclass 3rd edition book 2; Scientific background to medicine 2

Формат: ePub+конвертированный PDF+ КИНДЛ


In this second book of the Medical Masterclass series, Scientific background to medicine 2, the key points and clinical relevance are emphasised.
Topics include clinical pharmacology; statistics; epidemiology; clinical trials; and meta analyses.
This book also includes self assessment questions (SAQs) in the style of the MRCP(UK) Part 1 and Part 2 exams. This third edition of Medical Masterclass is updated to reflect changes to the MRCP(UK) exam.
The Medical Masterclass books have an easy-to-read format, clinical images and highlighted key points throughout. Considered to be the most comprehensive MRCP(UK) revision package available. Produced by the Royal College of Physicians, the Medical Masterclass series is written by over 75 authors and contributors, under the editor- in-chief Dr John Firth DM FRCP.

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