Урологическая хирургическая патология, 4-е издание

Урологическая хирургическая патология, 4-е издание - Оригинал PDF
Авторы: Лян Ченг, Грег Т. МакЛеннан, Дэвид Г. Боствик
ISBN: 9780323549417, 9780323550628.

Первоначальная цена составляла: 120.90 евро.Текущая цена: 10.23 евро.

Урологическая хирургическая патология, 4-е издание - Оригинал PDF
Авторы: Лян Ченг, Грег Т. МакЛеннан, Дэвид Г. Боствик
Публикация: Elsevier Health Sciences
Год выпуска: 2019
ISBN: 9780323549417, 9780323550628.
Формат: Оригинальный PDF
Язык: английский

Offering comprehensive coverage of this fast-changing field for more than 20 years, Urologic Surgical Pathology is an expert guide to all common and rare entities in the genitourinary system. The 4th Edition keeps you fully up to date with discussions of newly recognized tumors and terminologies, the latest classification schemes, current grading approaches, molecular alterations, and commonly used ancillary diagnostic techniques. With its clinical focus on day-to-day urological pathology sign-out and an emphasis on clinicopathologic and radiographic-pathologic correlations, this thoroughly revised uropathology reference is an excellent resource for diagnostic decision making.

  • Includes expanded coverage of дифференциальная диагностика for all tumor types encountered in urological surgical pathology practice.


  • Объединяет the latest TNM staging and WHO classification systems, так же как new diagnostic biomarkers and their utility in differential diagnosis, newly described variants и new histologic entities.


  • Discusses advances in molecular diagnostic testing, its capabilities, and its limitations, including targeted therapy/personalized medicine.


  • Covers new developments in иммуногистохимия и последняя diagnostic tumor markers. 
    • Особенности more than 1,600 high-quality images – all in color – including gross pictures, histopathologic and cytopathologic images, special stains, other ancillaries, drawings, and illustrations.
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