
檔案: 心理 - 行為科學 存檔: 神經

In 科學形像中的精神病學, Dominic Murphy 從分析科學哲學的角度看待精神病學,考慮三個問題:我們應該如何構思、分類和解釋精神疾病。 如果說某人患有精神疾病,那它是精神疾病嗎? 是什麼讓它成為一種疾病? 我們如何解釋和分類它? 精神病學分類系統通過區分精神疾病並顯示它們之間的關係來解決這些問題。 本書探討了精神疾病的解釋和分類項目所引發的哲學問題。



By Dominic Murphy

  • ISBN : 9780262517447
  • 發佈時間:1月13,2012
  • 格式:原件 PDF/打印副本

Murphy argues that the current literature on mental illness—exemplified by the 精神疾病診斷與統計手冊—is an impediment to research; it lacks a coherent concept of the mental and a satisfactory account of disorder, and yields too much authority to commonsense thought about the mind. He argues that the explanation of mental illness should meet the standards of good explanatory practice in the cognitive neurosciences, and that the classification of mental disorders should group symptoms into conditions based on the causal structure of the normal mind.

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