Ukubuyekezwa Kolwazi Lwe-Orthopedic-SIX: Umuthi Wezemidlalo (OKU 6e/6th ed) Uhlelo Lwesithupha

I-ISBN-13: 978-1975152642
I-ISBN-10: 1975152646
Publisher : AAOS; Sixth edition (January 12, 2021)
Ulimi: : IsiNgisi


Orthopaedic Knowledge Update®: Sports Medicine 6 brings together the most relevant literature and the latest research from the past 5 years. More than 150 top-notch contributors collaborated on this succinct review of pertinent advances in sports medicine. Find brand-new content on hip instability and microinstability, return-to-play criteria following anterior cruciate ligament injury, exercise-induced bronchorestriction, development of emergency action plans, and imaging of the foot and ankle.

I-copyright 2024

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