牙科保健員綜合牙周病學第 4 版

Comprehensive Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist 4th Edition Authors: Mea A. Weinberg,Cheryl Westphal Theile,Milton, DDS, JD Palat

Publication: Pearson; 4 edition (January 7, 2014)




原價為:65.10 歐元。目前價格為:9.30 歐元。


Comprehensive Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, 4/e provides concise coverage of the foundations of periodontics. This text is a helpful introduction for dental hygiene students and a valuable resource for practicing hygienists. Coverage includes the clinical aspects of periodontics, including surgical and nonsurgical procedures, and presents material in a clear and accessible format. Anchored in evidence-based learning, chapters provide simple explanations of many of the complexities of the dental disease process and provide clear links to practical aspects of therapy.


本書對牙周病學進行了清晰易懂的介紹。 它提供:

Clear links between theory and practice: Discussions and textbook features help readers connect chapter material to real applications.
Preparation for national board exams: Resources follow the content and format of national board exams.
Effective learning resources: Numerous references and review tools helps students truly master chapter material.

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